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Logo Olympe Studio blanc

Website Creation & Web Development

Develop your new website without making compromises. We create web applications focused on accessibility and performance, while respecting your budget and offering excellent ergonomics for your webmasters.
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Easy to use, scalable, and blazing fast.

Your webmaster experience is our priority, as is your customers' experience on your pages. That's why we deliver proven products that make no compromises, not even on budget.
Espace administratif des sites Olympe studio Espace administratif des sites Olympe studio

A solution that includes everything you need, without any extra charges.

Analytics, event tracking, lead monitoring, integration with your sales tools, and more. Olympe Studio integrates your website with all your everyday tools, all in one place, without inflating the bill.
Espace administratif analytics des sites Olympe studio Espace administratif analytics des sites Olympe studio

Performant beyond any expectations.

The applications we develop are primarily focused on performance. The pages are lightweight, load quickly, and are environmentally responsible.

icon d'une horloge qui va vite.
Blazing fast < 350ms.

On average, the websites we produce return pages in between 25ms and 350ms. That's between 3x and 10x faster than an average site made in France.

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~91% less carbon

Lightweight pages, an efficient caching policy, and a server powered by renewable energy. A comprehensive combination to act for the environment.

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Realtime monitoring

We perform real-time monitoring on all our sites to ensure that they are always operational and performing at their best.

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Easy, REALLY easy

Tired of prefab sites with impossible-to-use builders? We develop custom websites where each piece of content is editable without any technical knowledge.

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7/7 support

All our clients are treated equally, with accessible support 7 days a week and interventions carried out within 24 hours at no additional cost.

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Yet, cheap.

No need to break the bank to go digital. At Olympe Studio, a website redesign will be offered to you at up to 15% less than your previous provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still can't find the answer to your question? Schedule a demo with a project manager to fully address your concerns.

What technologies do you use for website creation?

We use a complex stack on all our projects, which includes in the backend: PHP / MariaDB, and in the frontend: Astro / SolidJS / Tailwind. We can also adapt our technologies to your requests if necessary.

Do you use page builders or custom code for website development?

Each website is custom-developed with code specific to your project. Similarly, assets (JavaScript / CSS / etc.) are kept to a minimum, avoiding generic code. The same applies to our server infrastructure; we do not use shared hosting to limit performance losses and unwanted intrusions.

How long does it typically take to build a website?

The timeline varies depending on the complexity of the project and your responsiveness during feedback and working meetings, but a showcase website typically takes up to 4 weeks.

Is SEO included in your web development services?

Every websites are technically optimized (semantic, performance, sitemap, etc.), and you will have all the necessary tools to modify the metadata of your pages. Content can also be optimized upon request.

Do you provide ongoing maintenance and support?

We provide hosting and maintenance for the application on our servers. This offer also includes offsite backups (in different data centers). Support is available on-demand 7 days a week, and interventions are carried out within 48 hours at no additional cost.

Do you design mobile-responsive websites?

All our applications are responsive and compliant with the mobile standards required by major web giants.

How much do your web development services cost?

On average, with an equal workload, Olympe Studio positions itself up to 15% cheaper than your current provider, while offering products of significantly higher value.

Do you offer e-commerce solutions?

Yes, we offer turnkey e-commerce websites with no recurring subscriptions.

Will I be able to make changes to the site myself?

Of course, you will be able to edit, delete, and add content to your site independently. We make it a point to ensure that the use of our websites does not require any technical training.

Can you train our employees on how to use the site once it's delivered?

For each website or application delivered, Olympe Studio will offer you free training with no participant limit, in the form of a video conference. This training will be recorded and available on-demand directly in your administrative space.