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Start combining elegance and efficiency for your interfaces.

UX/UI Design is the art and science of creating intuitive, captivating, and effective digital experiences. Don't settle for just elegant design, opt for design that converts.
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Finally create an intuitive and accessible application.

Accessibility is the most neglected metric by companies, yet it is the one that retains the most customers on applications.

Place your users at the center of your digital projects and design functional interfaces that are accessible to all.

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Stand out at first glance.

Capture the attention of your users from the first moment with a beautiful interface that is also functional.

Finally stand out from all those catalog sites that reuse the same components over and over again.

UI Design en peintre

Create a high-impact digital experience.

We believe that everyone deserves an exceptional user experience, which is why we design unforgettable products for all, with rigorous tracking of user behavior.

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Our interfaces and websites are not just beautiful; they are also designed to be fully accessible. We strictly adhere to standardized web accessibility criteria.

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Lightning fast < 350ms

The friction generated by slow websites drastically drops your conversion rate. We take pride in optimizing the performance and speed of your pages to offer a smooth and fast experience.

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UX Writing

User experience also involves what you have to say and the form you use to communicate with your visitors. We harmonize your content with the design to create an experience that is both engaging and informative.

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Stunning desing

Everyone dreams of having the most beautiful website on the market, right? That's why we only work with exceptional designers to elevate your brand and products.

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Mesure & Iteration

UX Design is primarily about adapting and optimizing each component of a design to improve the acquisition or retention of your users. We handle this operation with measurement tools that are both lightweight and powerful.

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User First

We use this philosophy: "User First" to understand and anticipate the needs of your users, and thus create experiences that are entirely dedicated to them.

Questions / Answers

Still have unanswered questions? Schedule a demo with one of our project managers to discuss your challenges in detail.

How long can UI/UX projects last?

The initial creation takes about 3 weeks, depending on the complexity of your application. The iteration part (optional) lasts several months, allowing time to conduct experiments with your users and collect relevant data.

What are the main steps of a project?

We first conduct research on your market, your users, your services, etc. to create an initial analysis of the project. We then propose a Wireframe along with a mood board so that you can visualize the application. Finally, after your validation, we add a web design layer to the wireframe to adapt it to current web trends.

Can you also perform UI/UX Design on e-commerce websites or simple personal websites?

Yes, all the websites & web design that we offer include a proportion of UI/UX. Our priority is to offer products that make you money.

Can you build design systems?

Yes, we also create design systems and are also able to develop & maintain them through NPM libraries.

How many revisions can we make once the design is received?

There is no limit on revisions as long as they do not represent more than 25% of the total workload of the project since its inception. In that case, we will propose to adjust the estimate upwards.

Can you perform user experiments? How?

Yes, we can test the interfaces using a complete measurement stack (event tracking, session recording, heatmap, etc.). We also collect feedback from your users and monitor the churn rate based on our adjustments.

Will we need to modify our brandbook to successfully complete a UI/UX project?

It is possible that we may ask for improvements to your current graphic charter in order to include elements necessary for the development of an interface, but generally, this is not necessary or transparent.

How do you take into account mobile usage in your designs? Do you practice Mobile First?

Based on the current data of your application, we will decide whether to start with a Mobile First or Display First design. In the first case, we will first build the interface to be used on mobile, and then we adapt it to larger screens. In the second case, it's the opposite: screens first, then mobiles. Web development will be carried out in the same way: the most relevant comes first.

Do you design artistic websites?

Yes, we are able to create artistic web designs for specific projects, however, we cannot guarantee results and a high-performing application with this very particular type of website.